Cutting the cord
Today was a day unlike any of my other days here. Jen was gone, I was (and am still) alone with just Mew, and things were just a little busier than has been "normal".... It started at 7am with a call in broken english about a woman who had just had a vaginal delivery "something, something 30 minutes". I show up in the L&D suite with a woman in the lithotomy position with a bowl of blood between her legs and a blood pressure ~60/40. "Retained placenta, 45 minutes". I quickly try to assess the situation and what I needed to do, which I knew was to get the placenta out. I called Jen, and through video call he walked me through the process which involved putting my entire forearm in the woman's uterus and peeling the attached placenta from her uterus posteriorly until I was able to remove it. It came out, thank god. Her BP stayed stable normalized with IVF, and she stopped bleeding. 830 rounds, (after the daily morning worship). The inpatient d...