Thailand = Cute Kids

Thailand has the cutest kids. It's a fact. They're cute, even with their snotty noses and coughs that don't need cough medicine. This is one of the many benefits of working in Thailand- the kids are just too darn cute. Most of the girls show up in Disney princess outfits, and the boys show up in superman capes. I can't talk to them all that much, besides making goofy faces at them and trying to make them laugh, but usually that's all they can do anyway, so we get along well. 

Most of the pediatric illnesses that I've seen here in Thailand have been viral gastroenteritis and upper respiratory infections, which is not much different than at home. The majority of these cases have been benign illnesss, but I've seen a handful of sick kids. My time here has definitely given me the opportunity to improve my sick vs not sick radar, which is an indespensible skill when it comes to our littlest patients. I am thankful to all the children and their families for helping me to better understand what needs antibiotics and what just needs some tea with honey and a little bit of time...


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